The Praja Rajyam Party appears to be reconciled to the fact that it would be next to impossible to get "rising sun" as its election symbol from the Election Commission of India. Party sources say the party is now asking for either "train" or "lion" as its election symbol for all its candidates in the next elections. Though Election Commission has expressed its inability to allot a common election symbol for the PRP since it is not yet a recognized party, things have changed after party president Chiranjeevi personally went to the EC office in New Delhi and made a strong request, producing all evidences to prove its potential to come to power. The EC is now considering his request, provided there is no objection from any other party for the common symbol.
However, PRP sources wonder which symbol could give a brand image to the party. Some leaders say train would be an appropriate symbol, because it is a common man's mode of transportation during long distance travels. Secondly, media gave extensive publicity about this "train" symbol, much before Chiranjeevi officially launched his party. So, it would go down well with the people. However, there are others who feel that lion would also be a good symbol, because it symbolizes aggression and royalty. It is the king of all animals, but does not harm smaller creates unlike tiger. This symbol can be attractively used during the campaign, they say.